Welcome to Piko's Blocks!
Welcome to Piko’s Blocks! With Finnish professionals of education, we have built two games for
learning spatial reasoning. The original Piko’s Blocks is best for children 6 – 12 years old and can be used in
education or occupational therapy. The game is premium and has also a monitoring option to compare the progress of
each player on the device. Piko’s Blocks is available for iOS, Android and Windows.
Our latest game, Diamond Blocks is available for Android and iOS. This game is suitable for
players of any age, and has millions of different levels. For extra challenge, you can play with time limit and try
to win preset limits or other players online. Diamond Blocks has advanced level types such as inversion symmetry to
puzzle even the most hardened spatial reasoner. Have fun playing with Piko!
Creetah Ltd is a small company based in Finland. Our mission is to develop smart and efficient apps for education
and learning. Close cooperation with therapists, educators and cognitive development experts ensure the best
If you want to say hello or there’s something we should know about, you can reach us easily by email: creetah.info@gmail.com. Enjoy learning!